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Category Archives: news
Nearing a Year
I first of all won’t even try to catch up with where I left off on my last blog post. Â I am really bad at keeping this updated, that’s for sure. Â Here’s a little tid bit of the last 6 … Continue reading
Time Flies
Where did the summer go? It was a good summer. It hasn’t been the most relaxing summer having twins and a crippled husband, but it has still been enjoyable. I’ve been told someday I will look back on these days … Continue reading
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Tender moments
Their blessing day was last Sunday. What a great experience! Though my life is a little chaotic, there are really sweet moments too. And even though I am stressed a lot of the time, I am the luckiest mom to … Continue reading
My two bundles of joy
This shot made me laugh…maybe something to brighten your day too. (Kate pink, Lily purple) I just love these sweet girls of mine. Lily is on the left, and Kate is on the right.
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Welcome to the World, Lily and Kate!
So, I’ve been a little out of it these days. I thought that since the twins are going to be one month old this week, maybe I should update my blog about their arrival! Our twin girls were born April 8th. … Continue reading
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Twin Pregnancy
  Thank goodness my twin pregnancy days have almost come to an end. This has been the hardest pregnancy, but also the most blessed pregnancy. I have been so fortunate to have such good health, both babies and I.  We look forward to … Continue reading
It has been a mild winter, but here’s proof it wasn’t mild all winter long. Noah and his hat he loves that he got from Grandma Empey. Mike said he wished he had one just like it. Kimi and her … Continue reading
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House improvements
This was the kitchen in mint green when we first moved in: This is the kitchen after we painted over the nasty mint. I feel so much bettter when I go in the kitchen. It’s weird how some colors just … Continue reading
We’re gonna have twins!
Due April 23, 2010 Twin girls They each have their own sack and placenta, and everything looks good for 17 weeks. We’ll find out more on my next ultrasound next month…and at every ultrasound every month until they are born.
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Here’s some pictures of our new house!  I just took a picture of a few of the rooms.  I skipped the 2 bathrooms, hallways, laundry, and other boring stuff. This should give you an idea though. Please ignore the clutter! … Continue reading