New Haircut

Here’s my angel child with a new haircut and new jammies from Grandma and Grandpa Empey.  Sorry Rach, he needed to get rid of the mop on his head.

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5 Responses to New Haircut

  1. Mom says:

    Hey now…he seems to be pleased with himself! The new ‘do’ & jammies suits him just fine! 🙂
    Little guys ,and BIG guys for that matter, are so easy to please.

  2. Wendy says:

    Noah is so cute, I just want to squeeze him! Cute haircut…

  3. He is a cutie and man has he grown up so fast!

  4. Rachael says:

    oh he’s so adorable anyway. I loved his shaggy hair but he’s still pretty dang cute!!!

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