snapshots of my darling children

I thought that I would post a few pictures I took of the kids the other night. Kimi is wearing the tutus that Grandma Paula made for her when she came to visit. Kimi’s latest thing is that she has to wear a dress every single day. So Grandma helped us out by making her some she could play in. She also likes to change her clothes multiple times and take off her diaper in the process. I’ve gotten really good at taping it around the waist. It will be nice once she’s potty trained so we don’t have to fight that constantly. Don’t know if you can tell, but Noah has got some great hair–it likes to go straight up! Kimi loves being a big sister!




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8 Responses to snapshots of my darling children

  1. Bridget says:

    They are so adorable! Love Noah’s hair and Kimi’s eyelashes, WoW! I’m so glad Noah got better. I hope you have an uneventful rest of the winter as far as that stuff goes. Paige and I are STILL battling the illness I blogged about last Thursday. It’s taken over my whole family (grandparents, aunt, cousins, cousins’ kids, etc)!

  2. Wendi says:

    Glad that Noah is better. We told Shannon that Noah was better and so tonight she prayed that he would have a “good time.” I can’t decide who he reminds me of. He’s a little tougher to figure out than Kimi. I wonder if his eyes will stay blue?

  3. Amber Yount says:

    They are so sweet! Kimi looks just like you!

  4. Rach says:

    I just have to mention that your in your last post I just laughed and laughed when I read that Kimi and noah are differen’t because Noah has two eyebrows! HA! So true. Well You’re kids are just cuter than cute. I love spending time with them!

  5. Amy says:

    Hey Carly- your kids are beautiful, Kimi looks just like you! It is so nice to get to see pictures and keep up. Glad Noah’s better- I can’t imagine how scary that must have been! Noahs got some great hair!

  6. Amy says:

    Hey Carly- cute kids! Kimi looks just like you, and Noah has some great hair! I love catching up and seeing all the pictures, I’m glad Noah’s feeling better. That would be so scary. Hope all’s well!

  7. D-Mizzle Yo says:

    awww baby!
    lol @ pplz with their paragraph comments!

  8. Ashley Preston says:

    What cuties! Noah is looking big. I can’t believe he’s about 2 months old already! Time flies. We want to see you guys when we come up next. We can’t wait to meet the new addition to your family!

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