Noah’s blessing

Wow, so I haven’t updated our blog in a while. So I’ll start with the first weekend of this month, which was a GREAT weekend. We had Noah’s baby blessing, and both sets of parents were able to make it, despite all the horrible roads and bad weather. Neither of them would have made the trip without 4 wheel drive. My parents took their own private detour through the mountains on their way home so that they wouldn’t have had to spent the night on the pass (thank heavens for a GPS), and Mike’s parents’ trip turned out to be 17 hours, instead of 11 or 12. But they made it! which we are so grateful they could come. Noah was a perfect angel the whole weekend, well, he is most of the time anyway. He looked so cute in his little sweater suit. He kept trying to eat his little bowtie. I didn’t get too many good pictures of him, but here are a couple.blessing-weekend-007.jpgblessing-weekend-002.jpg

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2 Responses to Noah’s blessing

  1. Amber Yount says:

    He looks like an angel!

  2. Shanae Jones says:

    What a cute little boy, how fun!!!! I can not wait for my little man to get here, only 26 more days!!

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