So, I had a friend take some pictures of the kids, and I think I might have done it too late at night, because Kimi was obviously not interested.
So I think we might do another photo session so that we could at least get one shot of them altogether. Noah is getting so big–he’s now over 15 lbs. and wearing 6-9 mo clothes at just barely 3 months of age. So yeah, my arms get a great workout during the day, and carrying him in his carseat is getting just way too heavy. He’s really close to growing out of that too. We’ve discovered that he has acid reflux, which is not fun AT ALL. Kimi had it too about this age. I don’t think his Prevacid has kicked in yet either. The way he eats the best is by us holding him and standing up. Arggghhh, he’s too heavy.
Hey Carly, I came across your site and wanted to check it out. Noah already looks like a little man and even though Kimi isn’t smiling she’s still beautiful! The pictures are so cute. I added your website to my blog – hope that’s alright 🙂
Hey, good taste on the dress (I just bought that one for Kendra, too!– I love being back in costco-land)! I can’t wait to see Noah in may- he is getting so big, and so cute!
Haha! Noah is SO chubby! That is AWESOME!!! I still think you guys should come out and visit us so we can see Noah before he is walking. 😉 Hope his reflux gets better soon!
Cute pictures. I feel for you with the big babies!!! Mine have all been big and it is such a pain sometimes! But I think chubby babies are so cute!
Alright, I thought Hunter was big at 17lbs but he is 2 months older than Noah. I feel for ya though because it is hard hauling them around. I am pretty sure I look handicapped trying to carry Hunter around in his infant carrier and his body is hanging over on both ends. but I agree with Kira, chubby babies are pretty darn cute!! I think the pictures turned out so cute.