We’re probably the worst bloggers you know. I’ll admit, I’ve kinda not been in the blogging mood lately. I’ve been kinda lazy with “extra” things on my to do list, and this has been one of those.  Most of the time I just check on facebook to what people are up to. We had a LONG vacation to WA this summer, which was a blast, and then once we got back, we’ve been pretty busy with house stuff. We also found out that we are expecting another baby! I’m due sometime in April, but after my miscalculations with Noah, I’m beginning to doubt my ability to count the days in my cycles. It’s kinda poor timing with feeling crumby while we are trying to find a home, but oh well. I’m just so excited I’m not having a baby during RSV season. We sold our townhome to some of our friends, which was crazy in and of itself that we could sell our townhome so quickly without even putting it on the market. We sold our townhome initially so that we could buy a home that we really liked in our close neighborhood. When that home didn’t appraise well, we had to switch gears and find somewhere else to live fast. We’re under contract with a home that we feel really good about up on Grandview Hill in Provo. We won’t know for sure if it is going to happen until we get the appraisal done. We have our fingers crossed, especially since we have to be out this townhome by Oct. 9th. That’s next week. Luckily we have some good friends that offered their house to us if we can’t close on a home in time (Thank you Don and Irene!). At least we won’t be on the streets! In the meantime, I’m driving my husband crazy complaining about his moving tactics, and he’s been working his tail off by moving our stuff into a large storage unit little by little every day. I’ve got a couple pictures from our summer trip to WA and OR, but that doesn’t even cover visiting Mike’s family, along with other outings and Kimi’s birthday two weeks ago. Hopefully we’ll be in a house soon and I can post pictures of that!
This was after we watched his band play
He saved Sam’s boat after it had swept away into the ocean